The IAPR Computation Forensics Technical Committee is announcing a new :webinar: “Video-based identity proofing“ by Dr. Cecilia Pasquini from The Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy on 13th Mar 2024 at 2 pm in UK time (3 pm in Zürich, Paris, and Rome).Title: Video-based identity proofing
Abstract: Remote IDentity Proofing (RIDP) represents a convenient option for enabling enrolment and access to different services without requiring the physical presence of the applicant. In commonly used pipelines, the applicant presents a valid ID document and acquires a selfie through his portable or desktop device, which is then compared to the portrait photo contained in the ID document in an either manual, semi- or fully automated fashion.
The talk will provide an overview of different technical aspects and security implications of such processes, as well as of the role they can play in digital identity frameworks such as the european eIDAS ecosystem. This includes the discussion of the pros and cons implied by the use of video streams in remote environments, with focus on the advanced impersonation threats now enabled by AI-based video synthesis techniques and the different attack vectors within RIDP systems, as witnessed by recent reports.
We will then overview ongoing research efforts in formalizing dedicated threat models, as well as devising corresponding structural and detection strategies against attacks based on visual manipulation.
Bio of the speaker: Cecilia Pasquini (MS’12, PhD’16) is a researcher at the Center for CybersecurityLink of the Fondazione Bruno KesslerLink (FBK), Italy, where she works with the Security and Trust research unit on media processing techniques for digital identity systems. Prior to that, she has been a researcher at the Media Lab of the University of Trento (Italy), a postdoctoral fellow at the Privacy and Security Lab with the University of Innsbruck (Austria) and a visiting scholar at Signal Processing in Communications Group of the University of Vigo (Spain). Her research area lies at the intersection of information security and image/video processing, with focus on media security and forensics, synthetic media detection and adversarial machine learning. She has participated in several projects on these topics funded by national (MUR, MISE, IPZS, EUREGIO) and international agencies (DARPA, EU, DFG). She has been General Co-Chair and Program Chair of the ACM Workshop on Information Hiding & Multimedia Security (in 2018 and 2023), and co-organizer of the special session “Information security meets adversarial examples” at IEEE WIFS 2019. She is an elected member of the IEEE IFS TC and of the Eurasip BForSec TAC.
The link to join the talk is here:
This page summarizes all the keynotes and presentations related to the IAPR TC6 topics:
- The IAPR Computational Forensics TC6 Seminar: Dr. Cecilia Pasquini gave a talk on “Video-based identity proofing” on 13 Mar 2024.
- The IAPR Computational Forensics TC6 Seminar: Prof. Vitomir Štruc gave a talk on “Face Image Quality Assessment (FIQA): Recent Advancements and Future Challenges” on 29 Nov 2023.
- The IAPR Computational Forensics TC6 Seminar: Dr. Benedetta Tondi gave a talk on “Backdooring Deep Neural Networks: from threats to opportunities” on 11 May 2023.
- The IAPR Computational Forensics TC6 Seminar: Dr. Pavel Korshunov gave a talk on “Deepfake Detection: Humans Vs. Machines” on 27 January 2022.
- The IAPR Computational Forensics TC6 Seminar: Prof. Isao Echizen gave a talk on “Real or Fake? From Biometric Data Protection to Fake Media Detection” on 29 September 2021.
- The ICDIP2021 Invited Talk: IAPR TC6 Chair Professor Chang-Tsun Li of Deakin University delivered an invited talk on Imaging Device Fingerprinting at the 13th International Conference on Digital Image Processing on 23 May 2021.
- The IIID Virtual Workshop Invited Talk: A/Professor Victor Sanchez of Warwick University gave an invited talk on Current Academic and Research Trends in Machine Learning and Signal Processing at a virtual workshop organized by the Institute of Inf. Tech. (IIIT) Delhi, India, on 7 Feb 2021.
- The Australian Cyber Conference Invited Talk: Dr. Xufeng Lin of Deakin University delivered an invited talk on Fighting Against Child Abuse at the Australian Cyber Conference on 8 October 2019.
- The IWCF 2018 Keynote Speech: Applications of Multimedia Forensics in Law Enforcement, to be delivered by Prof. Chang-Tsun Li, Charles Sturt University, Australia.
- The Invited Lecture: Multimedia Forensics, at 14th IAPR/IEEE/EURASIP International Summer School for Advanced Studies on Biometrics, Delivered by Prof. Chang-Tsun Li, Charles Sturt University, Australia.
- The IWCF 2014 Keynote Address: Document Authentication-(i) Authenticating shared information (patented) and (ii) Copyright management, Encryption, Watermarking (patented): delivered by Mr. Paul LAHMI, CEO, SOOD, France.
- The IWCF 2014 Invited Talk: Different facets of forensics in document analysis: delivered by Prof. Jean-Marc Ogier, University of La Rochelle, France.
- IWCF 2018 – Industrial keynotes: Link